Forrest Gump taught us all so many lessons when it was released way back in 1994. Things like the importance of chocolate, how to be a shrimp boat captain, or how to run across the United States. At its core, the movie was filled with some beautiful moments. Especially the scene where Jenny is asking Forrest about his time in Vietnam, and he tells her about how beautiful it was when it stopped raining.
European chillout producers Owsey, Resotone, and Jermalism took it upon themselves to get together and build a track around that sample, capturing not 0nly the scene, but the whole idea of finding beauty regardless of where you find yourself. "Sometimes It Would Stop Raining Long Enough For The Stars To Come Out" is filled with a gently plucked acoustic guitar and meandering piano. There's also haunting vocal samples from Kate McGill and Fleet Foxes intersecting with that moment from the movie as we are hopefully reminding ourselves to look around our world.
So, while life might be a box of chocolates, with the right music playing in the background, it doesn't really matter what you get.