Feb 27, 2018
London based artist Aeris Roves proves that one can still be guerrilla style about music and be a success.
"Best Dressed Man" was published recently on Roves's Soundcloud, a song he recorded on his iPhone. With only 420 followers Roves has managed ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Apr 15, 2015
We've already picked up Jon Bellion three times, but I figure: why not make it a fourth? Particularly when the song is as good as this one.
Written and produced entirely by Jon, the single follows up a recent announcement that includes 27 stops acro...
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Donna Arendse
Sep 4, 2016
I tend to steer away from more mainstream sounding R&B most of the time, but for some reason Brandyn Burnette drew me in with his particular brand of slightly-pop sounding R&B, and I'm completely fine with that.
Brandyn Burnette is a Los Ang...
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Cyrus Pavel
Jun 24, 2016
When I first heard a Frank Ocean song I was living in NoHo. It was Autumn 2010 and as I was staring at The Hills from an 11th floor balcony inside NoHo14. I got chills down my spine. It had been a long time before music had that affect on me. Obvious...
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