Ashley Hefnawy
Jul 15, 2014
Odesza has unveiled a brand new track that will appear on their recently announced new album. My attempt to describe it for you will hopefully and genuinely attempt to encapsulate the experience I had during first listen.
This track took me down a n...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 17, 2014
Well well -- turns out that when ODESZA aren't busy releasing new albums, they're working hard to remix some of the year's best tracks.
The target today happens to be Angus & Julia Stone's "A Heartbreak," and the result couldn't be further from ...
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Jason Grishkoff
Aug 27, 2014
Every now and then I scan my Twitter feed for new tunes, and fortunately, as divine providence would have it, Slow Magic's new single "Waited 4 U" popped today.
Slow Magic's history on Indie Shuffle is interesting for the fact that, to date, practic...
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Lauren Ziegler
Aug 5, 2014
Earlier this year, Zhu released an EP featuring five remixes of his breakthrough single "Faded." All five show off a unique fingerprint and wicked flair, but the mix produced by Seattle duo ODESZA stands out in so many ways.
So much about this track...
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