True story: I was in love with this beat off top. Also true story: for some reason, the misogyny in the song made me uncomfortable and I didn't post for what seemed like forever because of it.
Then my brain was like, "Bro, how are you gonna pick and choose what rap(ish) music is acceptably misogynistic and which one is not cool?" I was like, "Facts." So yeah, there's a lot of gratuitous "bitch" in the song but hopefully, dear listener, that's the extent of the woman-bashing in your life.
So, yeah. Andersoon Paak, who formerly went by the way better name of Breezy Lovejoy, and Knxwledge have Voltron-ed to form Nxworries. This seems to be the first taste of a larger effort. We can only hope so.