Words by Chirag Karia
Following the #FreeKesha movement and the highly publicized court case regarding her alleged sexual assault, Sony Music have been pressured to drop producer Dr Luke. The news follows last month's court ruling that Kesha must remain under contract to work with the producer despite the allegations. The campaign has garnered much support from the pop music community, with artists including Adele and Lady Gaga speaking out to support the musician.
Despite the fact that the producer has not been found guilty in the court of law, TheWrap has reported that Sony Music "can’t afford the Adeles of the world out in the streets calling the label unsupportive." Sources at TheWrap have added that "a negotiated exit would be most likely to save face on both sides."
Kesha signed to a subsidiary of Sony, Kemosabe Records, in 2005. The artist filed a lawsuit stating that she she was mentally and physically abused by the producer in 2014.
Image: CBS