RiFF RAFF just might be your latest fitness guru. The rapper who built his career on songs like “Kokayne” has been posting ripped photos of himself on Instagram, a result of his newly implemented fitness regime and diet-- one that consists of no molly or cocaine at all!
This new fitness fanaticism runs alongside his expressed interest in pursuing a pro wrestling career. At the end of 2014, RiFF RAFF revealed that Hulk Hogan is training him to make the rapper’s wrestling dream a reality. His intense training finally culminated in his wrestling debut Sunday night. Perhaps bored and at a loss without drugs to rap about, RiFF RAFF surprised everyone at UR Show’s UR Fight by inserting himself into a wrestling match between pro wrestlers Kurt Angle and legendary Rey Mysterio Jr.
Watch the notoriously eccentric rapper interfere in the match below:
Just as the match seemed to be over for Mysterio, RiFF RAFF was able to distract Angle by ripping the steel chair he was going to use against Mysterio from his hands. RiFF RAFF then served as an effective distraction to allow Mysterio to surprise his opponent and finish him off with his signature back kick move. Mysterio and RiFF RAFF then celebrate the victory together, after the announcers shout "Angle's been taken out of this game by RiFF RAFF!"
Monday morning marked the beginning of the subsequent Twitter beef. In a since deleted tweet, Angle remarked: “A one-star rapper cost me my five-star match last night at URshow.tv’s URfight.” RiFF RAFF responded eagerly:
Will the beef turn into a physical brawl between Angle and RiFF RAFF? Maybe RiFF RAFF will finally get his dream and be able to battle it out in the ring, rather than resorting to sideline interferences.
IMAGE: The Boombox