New Jersey art and music festival EVOLVEFEST confirmed via Facebook post that they are indeed not LGBTQ friendly, which has caused a justified uproar of upset and disgusted responses. Their point of view is something that even your token homophobe would think is fucked up.
After being canceled last year, due to the reaction to their bigoted remarks, it's really a surprise that they're back at it for 2016. But as you'll see in the screenshot below, they are doing their best to do rid of the so-called "radical sodomite agenda." Who knows, though, they may book their homophobic friend Ten Walls this year.
Just to be clear, I would never wish anything negative towards anyone, including delusional people like CEO and founder David Bryson, but I do encourage people to share this article to raise awareness of sick-minded individuals. And for a quick fix, you can click here to see which one of your Facebook friends you'll be deleting this year.

Screenshot via:
Photograph via: Sergei Akulich