As American politics continues to heat up and voting numbers start to crunch, there’s one rock musician who’s decided to take matters into his own hands. Andrew W.K. has announced via video the formation of a new political party – “The Party Party.”
“It’s no secret that the majority of Americans are frustrated, disillusioned and concerned with the current state of our nation,” says W.K. “The two-party political system is broken. It’s created an us vs. them mentality and that’s kept us from reaching our highest potential. And what’s frightening is it’s blinded us to the fact that underneath that all we want the are the same things.” The official website elaborates on the party’s proposed position as a “third voice,” with W.K. reasoning that, the majority of the time, everyone desires the same things: education, equality, and stable access to healthcare.
Some might suggest The Party Party is an early April’s Fools prank, but there’s no denying the important message W.K. is promoting. “We must protect and respect each other, no matter how hard it feels,” he explains. “No matter how wrong someone else may seem to us, they are still human...Buried deep inside this mountain of overwhelming national anxieties, complex international dilemmas, and endlessly competing principles, there is a fundamental truth – that we are all in this together.”
The official paperwork has been filed with the Secretary of State, and now W.K. is calling for individuals to sign the online petition to qualify The Party Party as an official political platform. You can read more about the proposed policies and find the petition on the official website here.