At this point, when a new RAC mix comes out I find myself impulsively opening up Indie Shuffle to draft and publish a post. I just can't seem to avoid it...perhaps it's just a general excitement around the bands he chooses to tackle?
Sometimes these mixes are amazing. Other times they're so-so. Clearly, when you do something well, you should stick to it -- and RAC is good at that. But at some point your listeners are going to be craving just a touch more. After ~100 RAC mixes, it's naturally going to take a bit more to wow an audience.
With this rendition of MS MR's "Think Of You," I'm somewhere on the fence. Up until the 2:43 mark all the elements ring true to a standard RAC mix. But then a fun bridge begins -- one that repeats itself at the ~4:15 mark. While it's not much, I can't say I've heard RAC do anything similar on prior mixes, and for that, I'll have to call this one a reasonable success.