Influenced by space odysseys, close encounters and
Blade Runner, MOONS gives us a 15-track installment of
Moons Over Paris. This monthly mixtape (brought to us by Gorilla vs. Bear and Life is a Banana) is like a dream transferred into something audibly grandeur and tangible.
Around an hour in length, this mix features music by Philip Glass, Vangelis, Liasons Dangereusse, Tangerine Dream, Fleetwood Mac, John Lennon, The Knife, Clan of Xymox, Cocteau Twins, and many more.
Beyond the fantastic musical ingredients the wonderment lies in the name itself.
Moons Over Paris not only sends us on a galactic voyage to a place of weird, otherworldly soundscapes, it wanders through our minds and make our ears marvel at the convoluted arrangement of eclectic sounds. Listen to it here in its entirety or click
here for a free download.
Tracklist below
- "Etoile Polaire (North Star)" "“ Philip Glass
- "Starlight" "“ Risque
- "Destination Moon" "“ Solid Space
- "Isn't it Midnight" "“ Fleetwood Mac
- "Now it's My Turn" "“ Berlin
- "Cico Buff" "“ Cocteau Twins
- "Child of Glass" "“ Sam Flax
- "Liaisons Dangereusse" "“ Neger Brauchen Keine Elektronik
- "You Don't Know My Name" "“ Kym Amps
- "Violent Dreams" "“ Crystal Castles
- "Voyage, Voyage" "“ Desireless
- "Imagination" "“ Clan of Xymox
- "Achilles" -Antena
- "When I Got High With You" "“ Cool Runnings
- "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" "“ The Korgis