I was speaking to Dylan earlier. And, in true Dylan fashion, the conversation took a diagonal turn into the obscure. We were wondering what life would be like if everyone spoke in templates.
"Attached for your perusal."
"Thanks for getting in touch, we'll be with your shortly."
"For the next available operator, please dial 1."
The truth is, we do speak in templates:
"Hi, how are you?"
"Good and you?"
And then it gets real awkward when we glitch out and follow up with a:
"Good and you?"
That's the thing, right? Everything is ok but it's not ok. Life goes on, we all suffer, we all encounter joy. We're ok and then we're not. We succumb to ways of life that we do not question and so they're ok but they're also not ok. Like dog hotels, Instagram influencers, chilli chocolate, Tinder swindlers, and the like — it's ok (it's not ok).