Does the name Mikky Ekko sound familiar to you? Well, for those of you who follow the work of pop princess Rihanna, then you would've noticed that this is the same artist featured in her recent song "Stay." To be fair to Mikky, he started work in the music industry in 2009, but it was this collaboration with Rihanna that really boosted his profile.
With all that said and done, Mikky is actually a pretty talented solo artist. His latest anthemic single "Kids" is an absolute testament to his unique ability to write songs that touch the hearts of many. There's definitely a hint of influence from The Postal Service and Passion Pit, with those wondrous electronic undertones and Mikky's melancholy vocals.
Everyone remember MGMT's "Kids" way back in 2007? Well, let's just say that this probably the best "Kids" single I have heard since then, no doubt about it. Props must be given to Rihanna for exposing this talented singer songwriter.