Flashback to this past spring, Metric released their first LP in four years and the remixes overflowed. This new remix, released in support of the Metric's new acoustic EP, "Plug In, Plug Out", also holds up well against the torrent of those preceding it. "Help I'm Alive" is probably one of my favorite songs this year. - Music Addiction
Jason Grishkoff
Sep 8, 2023
It's been a little while since MØ popped up on my radar, but this cover of "Attack of the Ghost Riders" really managed to pull me in with its blend of old-school punk and more modern electronic/production techniques.The gritty bass, howling vocals, u...
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Jason Grishkoff
Mar 2, 2012
What the hell happened to The Twelves? The Brazilian duo was hot as fire a few years back, pumping out one gem of a remix after another (one of my favorite was their remix of
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Jason Grishkoff
Apr 19, 2012
In my humble opinion, Gigamesh has some of the most beautiful indie rock remixes out there. I think a lot of this is owed to his liberal use of synth arpeggios and chord progressions, something I'm a total sucker for. At least, that's what did it for...
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Jason Grishkoff
Feb 4, 2010
Next up is the absolutely ballin MSTRKRFT remix of Metric's Monster Hospital from a couple of years ago. With MSTRKRFT's patented pounding synths backing up Emily Hanes's earnest melodies this song is a classic. Hanes's voice swirls, twisting around ...
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