Tobias Handke
Oct 14, 2013
It's been a while since I've heard anything new from Philly lass Amanda Blank, so I was stoked to come across "We Can Go All Night" during my daily SoundCloud trawl.Once again teaming with musical muse Spank Rock, Blank and the Baltimore MC deliver a...
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Devin Duckworth
Oct 2, 2012
Maybe it's my current obsession with Diplo or the fact that I'm seeing Major Lazer in a couple of weeks, but I just can't get enough of this song. Sent to us from RCRDLBL, this version of "Get Free" features Roc Nation rapper J. Cole spitting his qui...
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Tobias Handke
Sep 25, 2017
Elvis Brown is not someone I'm overly familiar with but I'm really loving his latest "Icington." Taking his name from hometown heroes James Brown and Elvis Presley, Brown has been a key figure behind the scenes for the likes of Ashanti and star of th...
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Devin Duckworth
Mar 2, 2015
Not going to lie, it's been a minute since I've been compelled to cover something Major Lazer related. That said, today the mighty Diplo and DJ Snake have just unveiled their most recent track featuring the lovely Danish singer-songwriter, MØ.
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