Slow and steady, that's how progress should be. Applied in theory, progressive house -- a gradual, deep and penetrating pulsation -- has a powerfully subtle quickening effect on the blood stream. Listening to Temple's edit of "Can't See Higher," the only thing that's not literally progressing is me out of my chair -- mentally, I'm running marathons over here.
Temple is a London-based maven whose enthusiasm and seamlessly diverse sets at his Aka Aka ROAR residency have built him quite the reputation. Furthering his influence, he proves that he's got just as much dexterity in production.
Stripping away some of the muddiness of the
original, one can't help but appreciate Temple's treatment of "Can't See Higher." It's more suited for the club, but retains the silky smooth quality of the Lorca's version.
Clearly Temple is on to something good and we can't wait to see what else is up his sleeve, so put him on your radar, listen, and enjoy.