I've never been treated as well at a festival than I was while attending Outside Lands 2010. Not only did the organizers provide great hospitality for the press, but the bands completely knocked it out of the park. From Edward Sharpe to Phoenix to Gogol Bordello, I found myself constantly and enthusiastically entertained. While I'd love to recount each and every one of their performances, one that stood out distinctly was the performance of Australians, The Temper Trap.
The group found popularity with their song "Sweet Disposition", but I was pleasantly surprised to remember that I was familiar with all of their material. Further, it was great to notice that the quality of their live sound was near perfect to that of the album I had listened to multiple times before. Were they using a back-up track? Unlikely, and I'll point to their occasional breakout into jam sessions as evidence. It's always refreshing to see a band take a slight twist on a familiar song, and much like Phoenix, The Temper Trap were no exception.
I think a particularly telling indication of the success of their performance was that follow-up band, Janelle Monae, was eerily absent of crowd. Indeed, most of the mass had flocked in the direction of The Temper Trap's stage as they climaxed to "Sweet Disposition", completed by a chorus of rhythmic clapping that swept the audience.
Overall? I'll give the Aussies a +1 for this performance. They still suck at cricket, though.
Song: The Temper Trap - Fader (The Knocks Remix Ft. Samuel) [audio:https://www.indieshuffle.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/samuel_fader1.mp3|titles=The Temper Trap - Fader (The Knocks Remix Ft. Samuel)]