It might have been a combination of the anticipation, excitement, and expectation. It might have been a combination of too much standing, too much beer, and too many spicy corn dogs. But
Janelle Monae's Outside Lands performance can only be summed up in a very popular, albeit overused, internet slang acronym: WTF?
The morning after Sunday's
Outside Lands festival, I scoured blogs for posts about her transgression: a very LATE start to her performance (uhh, 25 minutes late is not fashionable at a festival when everyone else is sticking to schedule) coupled with the most confusing introduction I've ever experienced at a live show. The only other blogger I could find that shared my frustration was from
First, her tardiness. Absolutely unacceptable at a festival when music-lovers painstakingly plan their schedule and swim through crowds to see a favored artist. A few minutes after she was supposed to start, some guy came on stage and mumbled something about a delayed flight. Yeah, right.
When they finally decided to light the candle and band members shuffled on stage as if being poked and prodded from behind, she still didn't come out and greet the crowd. Instead, three Grim Reaper-style hooded figures, backs to the stage, started pacing back and forth to a track of "Dance or Die."
And then suddenly she was on stage, having been masquerading as one of the back-up Grim Reaper dancers. As if nothing unusual had happened. Granted, she was filled with energy and dressed to the nines in pseudo-tuxedo attire. But am I alone in thinking it was an epic fail to be that late to a festival?
So unfortunately, after only 2 songs and 35 minutes of waiting, I scrambled over to see Al Green.
That's not to say that I wouldn't love to see Janelle play a full set "“ I will be there the next time she comes to San Francisco. Her powerful voice, funky dance moves, and killer style left me only wanting more.