For those unaware, Little Boots is a electro-pop artist out of England, known for dancable beats and innocently liquid vocals. She is infectious live, gathering one of the most ostentatiously diverse crowds I've seen outside of Hercules and Love Affair. Like The xx and La Roux, Little Boots has a voice that begs to be remixed, something that numerous artists have zealously embraced.
Azari & III is a perfect group to grapple with her newest single "Shake," after the successful wake of their EP from the second half of this year. The Toronto-bred duo has trimmed the original down and made it more fit for a heavy underground scene, and made it my favorite Little Boots remix since Fake Blood's interpretation of "Stuck On Repeat." Pretty much from the first beat you know it's going to be an epic remix, with the baritone-ized "shake" looped over a staccato, cascading beat. A perfect remix? Folks, I believe it is so.