Do you like house? Great, then you are reading exactly the right blog post. I'd like to take a second to introduce
Lane 8, aka Daniel Goldstein, a San Francisco resident. Just dropping new single "Be Mine" via Anjunadeep, this kid should be on everyone's radar.
Heavy bass lines hit early on, setting the dance floor for an enigmatic slur of beats and vocal snippets. The question "Would you be mine?" is proposed over and over, to which I will go on the record saying efffffffff yes, I would -- if this mystery man looks anything like his sultry voice sounds. The melody takes a horizontal approach to the build, giving way to intelligently designed drop just when the pressure starts to hurt.
This is the kind of feel-good dance/house track that we kids live for (I'm including myself in the "kid" pile, although that's getting to the questionable stage). The interconnected euphoria a dance floor can feel together amongst perfect strangers is something not easily crafted, but the rising Lane 8 has arguably reached this milestone.