James Curtis
Apr 18, 2011
Sounding like an opening for a Kill Bill film, Bill Callahan's "Drover" begins in a solemn and tense style. His thick, booming American accent leads you into a world of desert isolation, and then he releases classical guitar twangs, violins and marac...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jan 16, 2015
Are you kidding me?! 700k plays in only 4 days? Clearly there's something about 17-year-old Filous that resonates with the masses.
Those of you thoroughly in the loop will recognize the young producer from our Best Remixes And Mashups of 2014 playli...
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Hugh McClure
Dec 2, 2013
An old favorite of mine, Adelaide indie pop band Fire! Santa Rosa, Fire! have been pretty quiet of late, having taken a hiatus from recording together. Despite this silence as a unit, members of the group have begun making music of their own, with Ma...
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Lauren Sloss
Aug 24, 2012
There are albums that you listen to and love. Then there are albums you listen and... find yourself struggling for the proper words to describe exactly how they make you feel. Your jaw drops a little. If you're me, you begin, in a flurry, to draw com...
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