Dylan Heneck
Aug 7, 2018
This style of sound has been really approachable for me in the past few weeks. Having recently featured Koresma and Jason Barty, "Trails" tucks in nicely next to that Bonobo-esque downtempo sound that Jason loves. Having never been a huge Boards of C...
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Dylan Heneck
May 10, 2019
It's almost that time: lunch. That means I'm hungry. Which normally means I'm also irritable. If Koresma and Marley Carroll's latest was a meal I wouldn't be content with it, because it is light and lovely.
I'm looking for spicy and enormous, so pos...
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Philip Friedman
Mar 5, 2025
Korsema's "The Overlook" is right up my alley. It reminds me of Bonobo, Emancipator, and a little bit of Tycho -- a perfect combination for late-night listening or a focused productivity session.
My only qualm? Perhaps that it gets a little bit repe...
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