Shira Solomon
Oct 30, 2018
Close your eyes. Listen to this track. Now tell me, what year is it?
You're delirious -- it's 2018, not 1965. But it's not your fault. Blame Blac Rabbit for the confusion. The woozy guitar and vocals sound like twin brothers Amiri and Rahiem are try...
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Hugh McClure
Apr 26, 2013
Sydney five-piece Deep Sea Arcade have been one of my favorite bands over the past few years. Since 2008, they've been one of the most endearing local acts, their bygone era rock music translating wonderfully on a digital and live level. After relea...
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Cyrus Pavel
Aug 18, 2016
Who doesn't love groovy guitars in sync with alluring voices?
That's what you're going to get when you press play on this indie rock jam by Jane's Party, titled "Old Friends."
The tune carries a bit of that lo-fi feel that makes it sound as if it ...
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