Dylan Heneck
Jan 16, 2020
What if Eckhardt Tolle actually meant Nau instead of Now in his seminal publication, The Power Of Now. His writing has helped readers across the globe find the ability to be present; the ability to appreciate right...
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Dylan Heneck
Apr 16, 2020
I also used to be a Braves fan, although I'm not from Atlanta like Faye is. She also has a budding music career, so the differences continue to emerge. I'm sure we can agree on liking "In a Good Way," although like...
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Almond Ivan
Sep 19, 2018
Demi Mitchell, a vocalist that is new to our ears, and we're assuming she's new to yours too. Demi had about 9 followers on SoundCloud at the time of writing this post. We believe those numbers will grow and she will be met with success and love from...
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Dylan Heneck
Jan 14, 2019
The mother craned over a basket, and as a drop of water falls pure from the sky, yet undirtied by the earth, so too her child lay clean as the weight over her mother's shoulder. The pair paced through thicket and brush while the mob moved near. Beads...
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