I don't rate Stellard edited this by a pool, that sounds like way too much admin. I do however admire the idea of working by a pool, because if you think you can get anything besides relaxing done next to a pool then my hat is off to you. And by hat I meant tie, and by pool I meant office building.
Turns out you're in the matrix. Nothing is actually real. Everything is a mirage.
Dylan Heneck
Nov 6, 2019
"Let Your Feelings Go" is therapy that doesn't cost $100 an hour to attend. It's a track for waving your hands out of the convertible, or snorting meth with strippers. There's a familiar feel to this song for me, w...
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Dylan Heneck
Aug 29, 2017
Time to get down, not so low that you end up in hell kind of thing, but just enough so that your bum nearly touches the floor. It might take some time to get there, depending on your height and flexibility, among other criteria.
Now that you're warm...
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Elizabeth Walker
Jul 28, 2012
I don't know if there's ever been another genre which encompasses the infinite, youth-sparked feeling that summer brings more than nu disco. It's all over the place right now, lacing 70s/80s/90s R&B and disco vocals with trop-house infused beats...
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Nov 20, 2012
Any track sampling Ashanti's "Foolish" is a winner in our eyes, and Perseus has taken it to a whole new level.Admittedly, we're a little late on this one - it originally dropped on 2011's Russian Gilfriends EP.You can go and grab that for free now. T...
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