If you're in the music industry, you're likely pretty familiar with folks saying "If I don't like it in first 10 seconds, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like the rest."
The opposite can often be said as well: If I'm floored within the first 10 seconds, chances are whoever's music I'm listening to has me at the edge of my seat, hoping the next 10 seconds live up to the first 10.
Case in fucking point: Kainalu's new song "Lotus Gate." I started writing this blog post by the time it hit the 20 second mark -- that's how excited I was.
And given all that build up, you can only imagine how disappointed I was when the song ended just before the 2:30 mark. I mean... 'cmon... what a tease!
Disappointment aside, I flippin' love this song. Props to Trent Prall, the one-man-band that is Kainalu.