Sweet simplicity. It's not something you often hear in the electro-pop genre. The trend has become one of saturation and overproduction, with artists following a kitchen sink approach to hold attention with sheer overstimulation of senses.
"Drop Your Sword" is ear-catching for a different reason. Simplicity may be a waning art, but it's one that Joy Atlas executes with a natural ease. The vibrant UK four-piece have a penchant for bright and breezy future pop with understated production.
This is the third single from the artist, and the sentiment behind it is a testament to the musical choices they make. Vocalist Beccy Owen's songbird voice implores the listener to repeal their defenses and embrace vulnerability, matched by the stripped production of the track.
Billowing with layered vocals, subtle synths and gentle piano keys, this soft and uplifting pop piece has an undertone of honesty to it. Show Joy Atlas some love on SoundCloud.