In an ideal world, everyone would feel what I feel. Wouldn't life be so much easier? Relationships would be a cinch, "miscommunication" wouldn't even be in the English dictionary -- hell, I wouldn't even have to talk to people anymore -- they'd just
feel it, you know?
For a better or worse, things just aren't that way. Thus, Jonas Rathsman and his latest track "Feel What I Feel" falls into the tool box of confused lovers everywhere. What better way to get a messages across than a sexy house track with a sensual R&B vocal singing just the words you wanted to say, but better. I mean, how many times have you sent a dude/chick a mixtape full of stuff you wanted them to know? How many times have you sat there and re-listened to said mix a million times over thinking, "How deep, how profound! They'll surely listen to every lyric and every song as intently as I am and thus know exactly what how I feel about them!" ... or maybe that's just called adolescence.
Anyway, Jonas Rathsman is kind of a master as what he does and, lyric content aside, this is a great track for house enthusiasts. "Feel What I Feel" will be available for download via French Express on October 29. Enjoy!