This track is, like, so 2000-ish on so many levels, and I mean, and I'm referring to the
original as well as the remix. I would go so far as to say I'm blogging about this more out of fascination. I'm fascinated. Honestly, check out her
SoundCloud. I'm left to believe that all producers whom attempt a Jess Mills remix are subjected to subconscious time travel. I'm not even joking.
But on a semi-serious level, however uncomfortable "For My Sins" is making me feel, there is something I like about it.
Phaeleh brings it into the future with a housier-than-thou feel. Deep bass and glitchy vocal stabs abound, "For My Sins" might be a trip back to bleached tips, wallet chains and giant plastic beaded jewelry, but it'll accept it. I am an accepting person.