John Matthew Simon
Nov 14, 2012
Gameday Regulars have that New York City punk rock temperament and a pop sensibility that is as vibrant as it is abrasive. When you begin to listen, you immediately hear the coarse vocal magic that modern punk has become known for vis-a-vis bands lik...
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Bri Guy
Aug 14, 2013
Japanther is punk rock/noise rock duo from Brooklyn, comprised of Ian Vanek and Matt Reilly. They started making music together in 2001, and if you like Wavves, you'll probably enjoy their fun style.The duo's latest album, Eat Like Lisa Act Like Bar...
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John Matthew Simon
Nov 11, 2012
Zlam Dunk is a hyper vigilant bevy of punk rock eclectics creating music that is poignant, driven, and down right infectious. The opening track of their spring self-release Balcones, "Mansion," is just a little taste of the goodness locked within wai...
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Rhett Flowers
Sep 29, 2013
Parquet Courts, the interesting Brooklyn punk-rock band, have announced a new EP to be released very soon (October 8, to be exact). Their debut record, which came out last year, put them on the map as far as the new garage punk scene goes. They have ...
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