While I'm pounding the keyboard away throughout the day, once in a blue moon a new song that instantly makes my head bop will come on, and then I'll stop what I'm doing and head on over to whatever tab it's coming from to check who the heck it could be.
"Zone 4 (Mu-Tha-F*cka)" is the title of this hip-hop tune you're about to make your favorite and add to your playlists. It sounds and feels like the first time I ever heard Outkast, and was blown away. This had the same effect on me, which is why I'm here sharing it with you all. This is simply good music with excellent rap skills and a groove that makes you move. It's hip-hop at its finest, letting us know that hip-hop is very much still alive.
And sorry Jared Wesley, but you did, in fact, kill this one.