Jamil Zacharia is a name that will probably draw blanks from most, but the Melbourne-based musician has been involved in a number of significant musical projects. Part of musical collaborations Demian and Clever Austin, he's also played guitar on tracks for the likes of Willow Beats and Kirkis. Recently, the composer/producer/vocalist has started producing music on his own, and Indie Shuffle is pleased to premiere his latest production.
"Holla Girl/Holograms" is his "reimagining" of Oscar Key Sung's gorgeous recent single "Holograms." Calling this a remix or edit would definitely not do it justice, as Zacharia has completely transformed this track into something else. Whatever you call it, the result is spectacular -- a combination of persistent finger-picked strings and drifting layers of varied instrumentation. The elements of Key Sung's original dart in and out of the track, always evident if not obviously.
This is really beautiful, dreamy stuff from an incredibly creative artist. Hopefully this is the tip of the iceberg from Zacharia.