Aug 2, 2012
The meeting of Bondax and Star Slinger sees two of the UK's most exciting electronic artists in collaboration on one track, and it doesn't disappoint, meeting in perfect matrimony of the stuttering Star Slinger style and the sunny Bondax sounds.Havin...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jun 30, 2013
You know what's annoying about this new song by Bondax? No no, it's not the music. It's that no one has any clue who the female vocalist on the track is. Jessie Ware? AlunaGeorge? Unlikely...With "Giving It All," Bondax have continued to align themse...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jun 1, 2014
One of the rad things about going around and cleaning up old tracks on this website is stumbling upon gems like FKJ's "Lying Together."
To date, we've never reviewed this song, and so I'm going to take the opportunity to 1) do that now; 2) elevate i...
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Nov 2, 2012
Longest title in Indie Shuffle history? Maybe. Doesn't matter because it's so good it's almost rude? Definitely.Bondax is the trailblazer of future garage because they keep redefining what the genre means. If you're gonna call a genre "future" anythi...
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