Brighton duo IYES have recently released Part 2 of their three part EP series, and I for one am pretty enamoured with this indie-electronic collection of sounds.
"Beautiful Mess" is a grimy, synth-heavy track, which seems to lend a certain darkness to their unique brand of pop/RnB influenced music. Melis has a sweeter tone to her vocal, exuding innocence with a rather ethereal, angelic melody for the chorus, while Josh entertains a darker sounding, machine-gun paced verse.
Vocally, they play around with the duo dynamic in a wonderful way, separating, then joining in harmony, and generally keeping their offerings as interesting as possible without seeming messy.
Thematically, the pair seem to be singing about the juxtaposition of something that can be so wonderful, like being in love, which at the same time can turn into, well -- a beautiful mess -- and can be quite hard to comprehend or explain. Indeed, the nature of life.
Keep updated with them on SoundCloud for news on their Part 3 EP.