Now that winter is almost upon us, it's even more important to listen to some sun tinged, lo-fi, indie pop to help keep us warm. And who better to make that kind of music than someone from Chicago, who is regularly dealing with the cold? With that, I introduce you to Ivy Dye.
Ivy Dye is the brain child of Chris Adams. A project that his given him a chance to give voice to what had been going on in his life during the eight month period when he was working on Ivy Dye's first EP, titled
Lyme Times, due to some of Adam's health issues he was dealing with during those months. Despite that, he managed to put out a killer EP.
Lyme Times is filled with catchy guitar hooks and synthesizers that really help to set the stage for Adams' voice. Equal parts Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode and Jack Tatum of Wild Nothing, Adams' voice is filled with just enough hope and despair to really bring the songs to life. This truly accentuates all of Adams' lyrics, while building an interplay between the warmth of the music and the seriousness of the lyrics.
Adams even manages to take a stab at the music industry with his track "Heart." Despite the calling out of record companies, the song still manages to sound fun and up beat.
Ivy Dye is definitely a band to keep your eye on, especially with plans for a new release after the new year. Until then, get a free download
Lyme Times right
here, and let it warm your soul.