Tobias Handke
Nov 16, 2019
Spectacular South African quartet Honeymoan have just signed to UK label Communion Records and announced the release of their of sophomore EPWeirdo. To celebrate the good news the Cape Town act have dropped the EP'...
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Stella Mazzaferro
May 30, 2019
Kate Bollinger is back at it again in the white vans. If you do not get that reference then look it up because it's a really outdated joke format and I'm ashamed I just used it.Kate is anything but boring. Her musi...
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Tobias Handke
Apr 19, 2018
There's not much information concerning South African quintet H O N E Y M O A N.A recent interview let it be known they formed last year and have yet to play live, while their SoundCloud lists them as a "5-piece am...
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