Jason Grishkoff
May 4, 2009
I love albums that I can't figure out on the first try. This one does just that.
It's enmeshed within swiftly moving song structures. There's no consistent foundation for the vocal melodies to contrast against, and instead the listener has to confro...
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Justin Lam
Mar 1, 2017
My body seems oddly confused while listening to quartet Bokito's single "Better At Getting Worse." The way I see it there are two possible reactions to this song:
1) Start dancing in a conventional manner and having a jolly good ol' time.
2) Lose t...
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Jason Grishkoff
Aug 14, 2016
Brace yourself! This Montreal-based band is packed full of energy and likely to blow your socks off. At least, that's what they did for me.
"Bull & Eagle" came out last week and absolutely wreaks of talent and originality. Sure, they pull influe...
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Jami Selikow
Sep 27, 2017
Impermanentɪmˈpəːmənənt/Submitadjectivenot permanent."life has value precisely because it is transient and impermanent"synonyms: temporary, non-permanent, not permanent, transient, transitory, passing, fleeting, momentary, ephemeral, fugitive, fading...
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