Almond Ivan
Feb 25, 2016
About three or four years ago, me and my old roommate didn't know what to call music like this. This was back before people started throwing the word future in front of everything. Typically, we would just call stuff like this "feels." And that's exa...
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Almond Ivan
Feb 12, 2016
When Justin Bieber released his most-recent album titled Purpose, I sat with a friend discussing how the majority of the track titles sounded like disappointed text messages from a significant other. "Sorry," "Mark My Words," "I'll Show You," "No Pre...
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Almond Ivan
Feb 2, 2016
To compile a list of favorite artists would be a near impossible task, as my preference and taste is constantly changing. However, NΣΣT is one artist who would remain on that list no matter what I'm listening to at the time. His style seems to change...
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