Two South African acts coming together on the same track? How could I resist!
Both of these artists have been featured in their own rights on Indie Shuffle, and I can't say I'd have expected a collab out of them. The result is actually quite good...
Jason Grishkoff
Jan 21, 2015
Milky Chance is definitely one of the hottest acts on the planet right now, with "Flashed Junk Mind" receiving radio play from every corner of the world. Rightly so, if you were to ask me -- it's a brilliant track.
Enter filous, a young Austrian pro...
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Jason Grishkoff
Jan 16, 2015
Are you kidding me?! 700k plays in only 4 days? Clearly there's something about 17-year-old Filous that resonates with the masses.
Those of you thoroughly in the loop will recognize the young producer from our Best Remixes And Mashups of 2014 playli...
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Jason Grishkoff
Feb 15, 2016
Covering one of the world's favorite bands can be a risky move, but this daytime disco interpretation kills it.
Given that the man behind this version if filous, it came as little surprise when I found myself absolutely in love. LissA's vocals add a...
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Jason Grishkoff
Sep 20, 2014
I'm currently living in Germany, so what better way to celebrate than by featuring a band from the country? Granted, you not realize it listening to this track -- but the duo of Milky Chance are indeed from a small town called Kassel.
"Stolen Dance"...
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