Although for the most part I'm left a bit speechless by this track, I think I can still muster a few words about Gabe's latest single, "Golden Wings." Here we go:
Me: It's very good.
Y'all: More.
Me: I like it very much.
Y'all: ...
Me: More times than I can count on both of my hands (not that that's many times at all) there is music that comes across my path which is pretty damn good. Sometimes there is even music I find phenomenal. And then, sometimes there are songs that makes me take my clothes off and dance in a lewd manner.
Something similar happens to me when I'm in public. Maybe it'll do the same for you. You should try this at your next book club.
Y'all: ...
Gabriel Garzón-Montano: duuun dun-dun dun dun