Image via Unsplash.
Sounds like:
The Rapture,
LCD Soundsystem,
Why do we like this?
DISCLAIMER: This review may make no sense.
The junior version of me is flipping out a bit at the thought of more, new Franz Ferdinand. It feels like only yesterday that I was sitting at my computer, back at work, after a long holiday break; and it was.
It feels relatively further away that I was a young American child, infatuated with this Franz Ferdinand band. Which makes it pretty recent that Bolivia opted to protect it's reefs, and only slightly less recent that we entered 2018.
As is pretty obvious, I'm confused. This is what happens with rebooted nostalgia vibes. Fortunately The Beatles are almost all dead.
Streaming source:
Sounds like:
LCD Soundsystem,
The Rapture
Sounds like:
Franz Ferdinand,
The Rapture
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