As though a glitter ball mesmerizes one from above, Fonteray's "Green Viridian" is the perfect track one can lift their head towards, get lost in, and escape whatever unease we might have found ourselves in.
"Green Viridian" was created as part of a songwriting challenge that this Australian artist was doing with some friends during covid as a way to stay connected and creative. Speaking to the track, Fonteray explains:
"During one particular challenge I had these chords and bassline that I was really vibing with and knew immediately that I wanted to turn them into a full song. Going through my notes on my phone I had the words ‘Green Viridian’ written down and I decided to run with the theme of colour, and how certain people can leave such an impression on your life that you permanently associate them with. Whether that be a song, a place, or in this case a colour"
It's a beautifully connected sentiment born from a time of disconnect. I hope this reaches all those upon which it can strike a chord.