While your heart may still be grieving after J. Tillman's departure from Fleet Foxes (I know mine still is; if you've seen them live you know that chemistry they have on stage is just unmatchable), fear not, for there is new music on the horizon to fill the hole in your soul. It's evident Tillman never fails to disappoint, whether with his solo work or Fleet Foxes, and his new album Fear Fun (dropping May 1) under his new pseudonym Father John Misty is no exception.
"Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings," the first single from this album, exposes a side of Tillman we have never seen before. Raw, edgy, and downright seductive (you'll be crooning "Jesus" too before you know it), he's created an addictive track that will have you hitting the replay button over and over again. This song transcends his singer/songwriter-indie folk aura and is downright audacious rock. You'll get hooked on the drums, hypnotized by the guitar, and then flooded with this wave of ecstasy his voice unleashes.
Not to mention the music video starring Parks and Recreations' Aubrey Plaza. It's a bit hard to understand at first, and will most likely leave you in a state of confusion, but nonetheless it is intoxicating. Gritty, dark, and a bit deranged, it still manages to provide the perfect imagery that encapsulates the vibe of the song (in my opinion). I'll let you decide for yourself: