It’s a new year and bitbird is back at it again with their first release of the year from DROELOE. The Dutch duo (pronounced droo-loo, did you know?) has consistently been putting out innovative takes on the downtempo and future bass genres. Their new track “Only Be Me” is no exception, and goes the extra mile to lyrically and sonically confront the idea that people wear masks to cover up their social anxieties in their everyday lives.
The song starts with an intro that sounds like something out of Bibio’s repertoire. It has that wobbly quality, like when you put a record on and it takes a second for the sound to level out. It’s got all sorts of delicate Shlohmo vibes that build up to the kind of euphoric release in the breakdown that feels like you can dance yourself clean of every insecurity. There are so many layers making up this lush electronic soundscape that exposes new surprises with every listen.
“When I’m with you, I can only be me.” At its core, it’s such a simple, but comforting idea. You would think the message is cliché and overdone, but DROELOE have somehow found a way to make it feel genuine and bold. It reminds me of a conversation I had over lunch the other day, about how so much of our lives are spent trying to front like you’ve got it together, only to realize everyone is just as insecure as you are. It’s when you meet people who value your authentic self, that you understand how bogus it is to try so hard to fit in with people who expect you to be someone you’re not.
“Only Be Me” is out now on all major outlets. Let’s all take a moment this week to put this song on and hope that we all get to experience the liberation of knowing people who like you for you.