Anu Rana
Jun 6, 2013
Although I've curated a few future bass playlists for Indie Shuffle, I've been feeling underwhelmed recently by the same genre. I know it's a broad spectrum, but I've been hit with the same color of the rainbow for the last few weeks.But then there's...
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Brontë Martin
Feb 20, 2013
Flume is everything that electro music embodies: grungy, decelerated beats andsynths with synthetic chord progressions, all bundled into a uniform sound. Based out of Australia, this industry youngster proves to be...
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Sarah Jukes
Jul 7, 2015
Premiering on Indie Shuffle today is the latest track from L.A. producer Beshken.
Beshken (or as I like to call him, just "Besh") has a bit of a musical threeway going on here. It's because Besh is combining his musical talents with two other up-and...
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