Discodeine, made up of the sick minds of Pentile and Pilooski, came together in 2007 with a love for club music, sci-fi movies and southern French cooking. If their names don't give you some sort of indication that they might be a little coockoo, just sit back. You ain't seen nothin' yet.
I first came across Discodeine earlier this year when I saw their
music video for the titillating track "Synchronize" featuring Jarvis Cocker. Warning: if you do not like needles or self-mutilation DO NOT watch this video. In this video you can find sexy half-naked folks using needle-type objects to give each other tattoos and get high; it's perfect video for intense voodoo music right?
All kidding aside, I really do think that this duo has some disturbingly catchy beats. When listening, I often imagine myself in a sleazy Skins episode dancing recklessly in the midst of sweaty club-goers in an underground London nightclub. If you're hankering for some more French emotronics, catch their latest self-titled album hitting the soundwaves in early February.