Do you ever get a brain chill? Not the ice cream kind! It happens when your head feels like a balloon filled with the heaviest of air, and then a moment comes along with sharp magic, penetrating your mind's exterior; the weight of limitation escapes and peace rises up your neck from all sides to fill the much-needed void. Hopefully this track gives you this feeling, as it did to me.
You may remember Dido's collaboration on A.R.Rahman's "If I Rise," from the soundtrack to 127 Hours, and thinking she is simply a tool for a voice that has to be from the heavens. The singer escaped for awhile there, only dropping "Let Us Move On" with Kendrick Lamar in 2012, but she has returned this week in full force with her fifth album, Girl Who Got Away, featuring "No Freedom."I listened to the original version
here, but Jonathan Dagan takes me to the place I most want to be taken to when hearing Dido's voice. The Grammy-nominated producer invokes tropical nostalgia, and I can't shake the visceral image of a sun both rising and setting in the distance. Orchestral waves wash hope ashore from across the world, as we hear, "Even when you don't see me/Even when you don't hear/I'll be flying low below the sun/And you'll feel it all out here."
You can preview Dido's entire album
here, and discover more from J.Viewz on
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