I'd never heard of Perth trio Dianas until this week, but now I'll be paying plenty of attention to them. After coming together last year, they've used their varied influences -- dream-pop melodies woven through a blend of 60s surf-rock, 90s shoegaze, and Spaghetti Western soundtracks -- to create some seriously gorgeous music. Their debut EP was released at the end of 2012.
The band have had a somewhat DIY beginning, having only started learning to play their instruments from their musical housemates. Their music is far from underdone, however, with their latest double-sided single "Cruelty/Origami" a gorgeous mix of rawness and emotion. Starting slowly, the tempo changes in "Cruelty" are an wonderful way of drawing the listener in to the song, as are the spacey soundscapes the girls create.
If you enjoy these guys as much as I do, make sure to follow them on Facebook.