The beautiful "Water Moon" byDer Waldläufer arrives, as most things do, with perfect timing. It is absolutely gorgeous and takes the listener to a place that transcends the known.
A couple traveling from Amsterdam to South Africa once shared a piece of insight with me, and it has stuck with me ever since. I am going to share it with you. The crux of it is: live the question. What this means, is that when we are presented with one of life's pressing questions, instead of wringing out our minds in search of an answer, we can simply let it live, move and blossom without forcing it.
One way to go about this is to imagine a still pond residing within one's self and then, to simply drop the question in like a stone that sinks to the bottom. From there, we just trust thatwe will begin to live thequestion, with the answers coming in time.
"Water Moon" reminded me of a myriad of teachings however this is the one that came to the forefront of my mind. It's a lovely lesson, inspired by a lovely song; and for that I am grateful toDer Waldläufer for the gentle reminder.