You're selfish but I'm more selfish.
The writer Shantideva said that "beings long to free themselves from misery, but misery itself they follow and pursue. They long for joy, but in their ignorance, destroy it as they would their foe." What's being pointed to here, is selfishness.
I really appeciate content like that of Deathpsort's "Me Person." It doesn't head down the distracting highway of lovesongs going from 0-100 real quick. Instead, songs like this reflect back the crux of things, creating room for more constructive introspection.
Speaking to the track, the brothers of Deathsport — Tom and Mike Zitzelsberger explain:
"Me Person" is a song about our egoistic side. A poem about self centered thoughts we all have but are too embarrassed to admit. In the end we are all just a bunch of selfish assholes. Yes, you are, too!