The latest release of Death Bells off of their new label, Metropolitan Indian, is absolutely brilliant. This song is the modern equivalent of new wave in the '80s. I'm thinking Joy Division, post-punk, and catchy synths.
This song is one of those gems where you put on your headphones, you turn the volume up, and you find yourself dancing & forgetting about the world around you. Is that cliché
enough? Yeah, I had to copy and paste that word from Google because I still don't know how to do accent marks on my computer.
Death Bells is a duo of Sydney natives, Will Canning and Remy Veselis, whom have recently moved to Los Angeles. This track reflects their long-distance move as they've explained,
The song was recorded at Station House studios in Echo Park with Chris King of Cold Showers. We tracked everything in a day and mixed the songs between Sydney & Los Angeles. The song is about escaping feelings of stagnation, which is funny considering Remy & I faced the exact same feelings back home in Sydney, which brought us out here to LA.
Feel free to listen to this track on repeat, as I have done all day. Cheers!